Tsundere Idol is the story of Kota, a mild-mannered student in Japan and idol sensation Rui Kurumizaka. Too shy to approach the popular Rui, Kota is happy just to be in the same…
The mission of Cherry Kiss Games is to introduce great Japanese visual novels to the world. We have rights to the back catalog of almost 200 titles by well-known Japanese developer Norn/Miel. This time we are translating the title Tsundere Idol into English. Tsundere Idol is the story of Kota, a mild-mannered student in Japan who is a fan of the up and coming idol sensation Rui Kurumizaka. Wouldn’t you know it she happens to attend the same college as him and is in one of his classes! Too shy to approach the cool and popular Rui, Kota is happy just to be in the same…
Tsundere Idol
Norn / Miel
Cherry Kiss Games
29 May, 2018
Nudity, Adventure, Anime, Visual Novel, Mature, Casual, Text-Based
Tsundere Idol
421 MB
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How To Install: 1. Extract/Install. 2. Active Code. 3. Play game. 4. Have fun ^^. 5. (OPTION) Install the update version if they have the future in the link below: