The Two Moons – A Comedy/Walking Simulator RPG that follows a 4th-wall breaking main character who knows he is in a crappy RPG maker game and wants no part of it, but he is forced…
The RPG that’s so bad, the main character wants nothing to do with it! The Two Moons is the epitome of “what not to do when making an RPG Maker game.” It features an unoriginal storyline, poorly fleshed out characters, stock graphics, boring maps, assets recycled from other abandoned projects, next to no instructions for the player, and way too many fetch quests! But there’s a twist: Benjamin, the main character, is aware that he’s in a video game, and he’s aware that the video game he’s in sucks. But due to an unfortunate series of infinite-loop Yes/No choices where No…
The Two Moons
Eric Donaldson
Eric Donaldson
26 May, 2023
RPG, Adventure, Casual
The Two Moons-TENOKE
881.89 MB
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How To Install: 1. Extract/Install. 2. Active Code. 3. Play game. 4. Have fun ^^. 5. (OPTION) Install the update version if they have the future in the link below: