The Triumphant Return of Diabolos – Many years after humanity came together to defeat the Demon Lord, a young man trained to become an imperial knight. One day, however, he was…
During the rise of the Demon Lord, humanity put aside its differences and came together to save the world. After the war, humans began persecuting all demons, even those who didn’t align themselves with the Demon Lord. They were effectively forced to go into hiding. 18 years later, a young man named Rein trained alongside his childhood friend, Ciel. They aimed to become imperial knights for their homeland, the aggressively expansionist Cedis Empire. After venturing into a cave, a mysterious figure spirits Rein away and tells him, “We have been looking for you, Demon…
The Triumphant Return of Diabolos
Bud of Lupine
Kagura Games
10 Jun, 2022
RPG, Adventure, Anime, Action
The Triumphant Return of Diabolos
367.00 MB
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How To Install: 1. Extract/Install. 2. Active Code. 3. Play game. 4. Have fun ^^. 5. (OPTION) Install the update version if they have the future in the link below: