The Chrono Jotter is a mystery and suspense visual novel that follows the steps of Ran Ibuki, a high-school student, as she investigates against the clock to discover who’s…
Many years ago, the popular high-school student Ann Sakura went missing in mysterious circumstances. Despite her uncountable efforts to find her, Ran Ibuki never lost hope of holding the girl in her arms once again. Now, an old and dilapidated school in the middle of the forest is giving her that chance, but not at a low cost… In The Chrono Jotter, Ran will find herself trapped in a chilling game of death and life as she fights to bring Ann back. The students in the school used to be slaughtered and, still, no one knows the identity of the murderer! To get out alive, Ran…
The Chrono Jotter
Orca Layout
2P Games, Orca Layout
25 Aug, 2021
Visual Novel, Adventure, Horror, Puzzle, Anime
The Chrono Jotter
4.21 GB
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How To Install: 1. Extract/Install. 2. Active Code. 3. Play game. 4. Have fun ^^. 5. (OPTION) Install the update version if they have the future in the link below: