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Ship Simulator Extremes v1.5.5

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Ship Simulator Extremes Free Download


Ship Simulator Extremes – VSTEP and Paradox are proud to announce the next installment of the acclaimed Ship Simulator series. With over 550K copies sold, the series returns to…

Game Overview


VSTEP and Paradox are proud to announce the next installment of the acclaimed Ship Simulator series. With over 550K copies sold, the series returns to take you into the most extreme conditions on earth… Ever wonder how it feels to sail a half-million-ton supertanker through the perfect storm? To take on illegal whale hunters in the Antarctic? Or to feel the rush of being part of the Coast Guard as you evacuate a cruise liner in distress? Ship Simulator Extremes has players take on exciting missions all over the world as they pilot an impressive array of vessels and…


info Title: Ship Simulator Extremes

developer Developer: VStep

developer Publisher: Paradox Interactive

release date Release Date: 27 Aug, 2010

genre Genre: Simulation, Open World, Adventure



release name Release Name: Ship Simulator Extremes-SKIDROW

cracked by Cracked by: SKIDROW

size Release Size: 1.57 GB




System Requirement

  • OS: Windows XP (Min. service pack 2), Windows Vista or Windows 7. 32 and 64 bits OS supported
  • Processor: 3 Ghz P4 Intel or AMD equivalent processor
  • Memory: 2GB (Windows XP) or 3GB (Vista or Windows 7)
  • Hard Disk Space: 3.5 GB
  • Video Card: Geforce 8800GT or ATI Radeon 4850 with 256MB ram (At least Shader model 3.0)
  • Sound: DirectX compatible
  • DirectX®: 9.0c
  • Screenshots

    Ship Simulator Extremes Torrent Download

    Ship Simulator Extremes PC Crack

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    Giá tiền: 99.0000 VND


    How To Install:
    1. Extract/Install.
    2. Active Code.
    3. Play game.
    4. Have fun ^^.
    5. (OPTION) Install the update version if they have the future in the link below: