Red Matter 2 is an adventure that takes place during a dystopian Cold War whose events unfold after Red Matter. It is the story of how people trapped in a reality created by their…
Red Matter 2 is an adventure that takes place during a dystopian Cold War whose events unfold after Red Matter. It is the story of how people trapped in a reality created by their rulers, rebel against their destiny and fight to do the right thing. Being subjected to a mental simulation in an enemy base, you are awakened by an infiltrated agent who has been sent to rescue you. Just as you are about to escape you intercept a distress signal belonging to an old friend. Determined to come to his rescue, you embark on the journey of a lifetime to the far reaches of the solar…
Red Matter 2
Vertical Robot
Vertical Robot
18 Aug, 2022
Adventure, VR, Puzzle, Sci-fi, Action
Red Matter 2
7.20 GB
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How To Install: 1. Extract/Install. 2. Active Code. 3. Play game. 4. Have fun ^^. 5. (OPTION) Install the update version if they have the future in the link below: