Magic Carpet 2: The Netherworlds – After restoring balance and order to the shattered realms in Magic Carpet, you retired to live a peaceful life content in the knowledge that you…
After restoring balance and order to the shattered realms in Magic Carpet, you retired to live a peaceful life content in the knowledge that you have saved your people. Your idyll won’t remain peaceful for long, however, as Vissuluth the Dark One emerges from the Netherworld. The Netherworld is a place where demons and lost souls dwell and the Master Demon has grown powerful enough to bridge the great gulf between life and death. The Dark One and his minions threaten the world of men and it is up to you, under the guidance of your old master Kafkar, to once again take up…
Magic Carpet 2: The Netherworlds
Bullfrog Productions
Electronic Arts
Shooter, Action
Magic Carpet 2 The Netherworlds
300.09 MB
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How To Install: 1. Extract/Install. 2. Active Code. 3. Play game. 4. Have fun ^^. 5. (OPTION) Install the update version if they have the future in the link below: