Legend of Hand tells the story of a hero on an epic quest to find the mythical Grandmaster Hand, the one man who can restore peace to a troubled world. Inspired by point and click…
Legend of Hand tells the story of a hero on an epic quest to find the mythical Grandmaster Hand, the one man who can restore peace to a troubled world. Inspired by adventure classics, Far-East legends and martial arts beat ’em up games of the 80’s and 90’s, this point and click adventure will take the player on a unique journey through magical lands. The Story Your masters have put their trust in you to find the mythical Grandmaster Hand, an enigmatic figure who disappeared many years ago. He is the one man capable of stopping the gathering unrest that is threatening…
Legend of Hand
Cloak and Dagger Games
Cloak and Dagger Games
27 Sep, 2017
Adventure, RPG, Point & Click
Legend of Hand
380 MB
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How To Install: 1. Extract/Install. 2. Active Code. 3. Play game. 4. Have fun ^^. 5. (OPTION) Install the update version if they have the future in the link below: