Lake Haven – Chrysalis – This game serves as a prequel chapter for the upcoming game ‘Lake Haven’. Detective Zeke Reynold is called to investigate what he assumes will be another…
On October 7th, at 9 PM the Kansas police department receives a call from an old woman called Marianne Lambert, who is acting out of concern for her younger friend Eleanor Robertson. According to Mrs Lambert, Eleanor hasn’t picked up the phone in 13 days, and her letters have gone unanswered. Detective Zeke Reynold is called to investigate what he assumes will be another case he’ll quickly forget, but what he finds will be sewn into the fabric of his existence forever. “Chrysalis” is the prologue chapter to the upcoming game “Lake Haven”. It serves as a foreword to the…
Lake Haven Chrysalis Update v20230205
Encrypt Games
Encrypt Games
18 Jan, 2023
Adventure, Horror, Puzzle, Action, Update
Lake Haven Chrysalis Update v20230205-TENOKE
3.09 MB
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How To Install:
1. Extract/Install.
2. Active Code.
3. Play game.
4. Have fun ^^.
5. (OPTION) Install the update version if they have the future in the link below: