Joana’s Life – In a peaceful part of the town, a series of deaths occur, seemingly random at first, but gruesome in their nature. One day, you find an object that doesn’t belong…
Synopsis In a peaceful part of the town, a series of deaths occur, seemingly random at first, but gruesome in their nature. One day, you find an object that doesn’t belong in your house. An old, worn-out, stained mirror. That is the very moment when you’ll discover that the simple mirror isn’t the only thing that is out of place. Explore the thriving streets of the small suburban area, search through the abandoned houses stained by gruesome past, and find out what haunts you through the silver pane of glass. As the game progresses and the more you approach the root of…
Joana’s Life
Old Shack Studio
Back To Basics Gaming
1 Sep, 2016
Adventure, Horror
Joanas Life-PLAZA
2.91 GB
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How To Install: 1. Extract/Install. 2. Active Code. 3. Play game. 4. Have fun ^^. 5. (OPTION) Install the update version if they have the future in the link below: