Dying Light: The Following – Experience the untold chapter of Kyle Crane’s story set in a vast region outside the city of Harran. Leave the urban area behind and explore a…
Experience the untold chapter of Kyle Crane’s story set in a vast region outside the city of Harran. Leave the urban area behind and explore a dangerous countryside packed with mysterious characters, deadly new weapons, and unexpected quests. Gain the trust of the locals and infiltrate a centuries-old cult that hides a dangerous secret. Take the wheel of a fully customizable dirt buggy, smear your tires with zombie blood, and experience Dying Light’s creative brutality in high gear. Dying Light is a first-person, action survival game set in a vast open world. Roam a city…
Dying Light: The Following
Techland Publishing
8 Feb, 2016
Action, Open World, RPG, Survival, Adventure, Horror, Shooter
Dying Light The Following-RELOADED
19.9 GB
NOTE Reinforcements is the name of the DLC included in the Content Drop #0 update. This standalone pack includes the main game and all current DLC The upcoming content drops will come in seperated Update/DLC packs.
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How To Install: 1. Extract/Install. 2. Active Code. 3. Play game. 4. Have fun ^^. 5. (OPTION) Install the update version if they have the future in the link below: