Arkhangel: The House of the Seven Stars – Michael struggles with dreams of dark waters and an unknown ancient evil resting beneath the cold waves. Are these simply dreams or are…
Michael, Lily, and Gabrielle have recently moved to the frigid town of Haven under tragic circumstances. As they begin to rebuild their lives in this new home and meet the townsfolk of Haven, they quickly discover that not everything is what it appears to be. Michael struggles with dreams of dark waters and an unknown ancient evil resting beneath the cold waves. Are these simply dreams or are they a premonition of things to come? Inspired by the classic point & click adventure games of yesteryear, Arkhangel: The House of the Seven Stars is a story told through the eyes…
Arkhangel: The House of the Seven Stars
Winter Night Games
Winter Night Games
27 Jul, 2018
Adventure, Horror, Point & Click
Arkhangel The House of the Seven Stars-PLAZA
2.73 GB
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How To Install: 1. Extract/Install. 2. Active Code. 3. Play game. 4. Have fun ^^. 5. (OPTION) Install the update version if they have the future in the link below: